Sun, 22 Dec 2024 21:34:25 GMT (1734903265845)
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2 years ago
A brief history of Valentine's DayValentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, and it's origin comes from a Christian saint's feast day, according to feast day celeb
4 years ago
The first super moon of the year peaks Monday nightCRANSTON, R. I. (WJAR) — The moon has appeared "regular"-sized for much of 2021, but that changes for April's full moon. The Pink Moon is the first super moon of the year, and it will light up the sky Monday...
4 years ago
Happy 90th Birthday, Walter Cole and Darcelle! His alter ego is a Portland night-life legend and today, both are celebrating their 90th birthday! Birthday boy and the man behind "Darcelle", Walter Cole, joined us for a small celebration!
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