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Mom sends thank-you letter to sheriff's office after teen's arrest

(Walton County Sheriff's Office)
(Walton County Sheriff's Office)
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WALTON COUNTY, Fla. (WEAR) - A mother hundreds of miles away is giving praise to the Walton County Sheriff's Office after her daughter was arrested during spring break.

The letter reads:

In this day, "cops" are getting a bad rap. So, I wanted to say "thank you". Yesterday, my daughter was one of the thousands of spoiled spring breakers "living it up" on the beach. She got arrested for underage drinking. She was holding a can of beer on the beach. A stupid move that I warned her about before she left, but I'm just her mother, so "in one ear and out the other".
The arrest scared the HELL out of her and I'm hoping she learned her lesson. The reason that I am sending this is that every officer that I talked to or that I could hear in the back ground talking to her was so nice! Firm, but nice. I'm sure each one was rolling their eyes when my daughter said "Can you talk to my mom?", but each and every officer was respectful and assured me she would get back to her house safely.
For a mom hundreds of miles away, that was very reassuring. I know you all have to deal with this on a daily basis, which must be completely annoying and I'm very sorry my daughter added to your workload yesterday. They say you always have one child that makes you go grey early and she is mine! Thank you for saving me a few more grey hairs last night.

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