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"Oh, the places you'll go!" It's Dr. Suess Day!

Dr. Suess Day
Dr. Suess Day
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The more that you read, The more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go," Dr. Suess' I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Dr. Suess Day A.K.A. National Read Across America Day is celebrated on March 2 because it's Suess' birthday, according to

The day was started as an initiative to get people, especially kids, reading more.

Reading is important in all ages, but here are some helpful tricks to encourage kids to read more often:

  • Keep books around where you spend a lot of time like different rooms in the house or in the car
  • Visit the library often
  • Since kids like to mimic adults, let them see you reading
  • Read books to kids
  • Let kids read books to you
A book is just like life and anything can change," Dr. Suess' One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.

Dr. Suess Day

How to celebrated such a fun-filled holiday:

  • Read a book you've been meaning to get to
  • Read to your kids
  • Let your kids read to you
  • Share your favorite book with a loved one
  • Read a Dr. Suess book
  • Learn about Dr. Suess
  • Use #ReadAcrossAmericaDay or #DrSuessDay on social media to share how you celebrated
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose," Dr. Suess' Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Dr. Suess Day

The National Education Association created the holiday with the first one celebrated in 1998, said the website.

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