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Little Rock UPS employees surprise co-worker with a car


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Trenton Lewis, 21, goes the extra mile for his job at UPS. Actually, it's several miles. In order to start loading trucks by 4 a.m,, Lewis starts walking from his home in downtown Little Rock before midnight.

"It will probably take me two-and-a-half or three hours," said Lewis.

In the rain or cold and through some rough areas of town Lewis walked. He never missed a shift and was never late to work.

"I had music in my head. I was just walking, not worried about nothing, I was just moving my feet," said Lewis. "[My job] got more important to me. When I had my daughter, I knew I had to step up. I didn't have a job when she was born," said Lewis.

Patricia Bryant worked with Lewis in the loading docks. She mentioned Lewis' daily trek to her husband Kenneth Bryant, a veteran driver at UPS.

"Man, that's got to be a dedicated young man to walk to work," said Bryant.

He started collecting donations from other workers at UPS.

"I was like, 'It's coming together, It's coming together, slowly," said Bryant.

Eventually, he collected $1,900 and found a reliable car.

"That's actually the third car because a couple of them fell through," said Bryant.

Bryant even went so far as to fix a nick in the front bumper because he wanted everything to be perfect for the big surprise. The group told Lewis it was a union meeting in the parking lot. Then, Bryant reached into his pocket.

"He just pulled some keys out of his pocket, and I'm like 'That can't be mine. Those keys cannot be mine.' He brought them to me and my heart just dropped. this can't be real," said Lewis.

Nowadays, Lewis leaves for work at 3:30 a.m.

"It feels good because it's just me and the car. I don't have to use my feet no more," said Lewis.

No more long walks, but definitely some lasting friendships.

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