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'They are really everywhere': One family's fascination with the cicada invasion

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News
The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News
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Reporter's Notebook: I don’t mind cicadas trying to climb their way from lawn to tree. There’s a lot to admire here in terms of their tenacity. But could you guys clean up after yourselves a bit? No one wants to see your exoskeletons.

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News

“And now we have just piles of them coming up from everywhere." says John Adamec.

The 17-year march to mate by Brood-X became unavoidable to miss for the Adamec family of Fairfax County when they started finding cicadas attached to just about everything several days ago.

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News

“They are really everywhere. We cannot believe how many there are. It’s gross and cool," says Bethany Adamec.

RELATED | Entomologist Dr. Buggs explains how Brood X cicadas are actually 'magic'

Bethany and husband John suspect the cicadas outside their home number in the tens of thousands. But truth be told, no one is willing to take a head count.

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News

John says, “We had a little breeze come up earlier and the empty shells were making a tumbleweed down the street. It was a little bit unnerving.”

You can’t take a step without seeing them or without smushing them.

“It’s another level of nature then they are used to and there’s one on the back of my neck right now," says John.

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News

Bethany gave us a quick tour of the backyard, showing us how cicadas had taken over their swing and says, “This one is just coated. And our kids swing, they haven’t been using that recently.”

RELATED | There's a fungus castrating cicadas: Here are 10 cicada fun facts as Brood X emerges

The Adamecs do admit to finding Brood-X fascinating, as this is the first they've seen them in full bloom, so to speak. It's been a great learning experience for them, and their children.

The Cicada Invasion. Photo by Jay Korff/7News

It’s a good thing we don’t mind these frisky fellas. But we are concerned about one thing.

“I think that’s going to be the worst part is clean-up," concludes John.

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