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Teenager wants his voice heard in the big leagues, not letting wheelchair hold him back

Teenager wants his voice heard in the big leagues, not letting wheelchair hold him down (Madeline Montgomery/WPDE)
Teenager wants his voice heard in the big leagues, not letting wheelchair hold him down (Madeline Montgomery/WPDE)
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Dylan Blanton is the only high schooler announcing baseball in the Horry County school district, and he is not letting his wheelchair hold him back from his big dreams.

"He's got such a little voice and he's not really timid but he's just... you don't realize really, just until you hear him," said Dylan's mother, Rozanne Blanton.

"I like people to hear how I sound," said Dylan.

Dylan loves sports but is confined to a wheelchair due to a spinal injury.

"I've always wanted to do sports announcing when I was littler because I knew I couldn't play sports, and I've always wanted to play baseball and that was my next thing to do," said Dylan.

Carolina Forest High School has given him the chance to announce, but he has his eye on bigger dreams.

"I hope to announce for the baseball team at Coastal and maybe work for ESPN one day," said Dylan.

Dylan is going to Coastal Carolina next year and has already talked to the sports department about doing some announcing. He has even been asked by the Pelicans to come by and lend his voice.

"It's exciting, I've always wanted him to have that opportunity," said Rozanne.

Rozanne hopes Dylan can inspire others with disabilities to follow their dreams.

"More people see his smile and his attitude and just his love of sports, and he just seems to brighten a room up when he goes in," said Rozanne.

Dylan hopes he can make it big.

"I'm waiting on ESPN to call me," said Dylan.

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