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Rhode Island couple celebrates 75 years of marriage

Robert Gorman, 98, and his wife Ann Gorman, 95, celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary with family and friends. (WJAR){ }
Robert Gorman, 98, and his wife Ann Gorman, 95, celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary with family and friends. (WJAR)
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A Rhode Island couple recently celebrated 75 years of marriage with family and friends.

For decades, 95-year-old Ann and 98-year-old Robert Gorman, of Cranston, have been by one another's side.

Robert, known to many as "Bob," is an Army veteran. When he came back from the war in the 1940s, he was promised a job at a mill. That's when he first saw Ann, who had been working there, too.

When they opened the door, I saw her talking to three or four girls and I said, 'That’s for me,'" said Robert. “She said, 'No it ain’t, and don’t get no ideas either.'"
I told him to get lost," said Ann. "I was not interested."

Robert though, was persistent. He knew one day he would marry Ann, so he didn't give up. He knew weekly she would have dinner with a friend.

One week, when he knew her friend was busy, he asked her out to take her place. The rest was history. Two years later, they were married on April 24, 1948.

Monday marked a milestone. WJAR asked to speak to the pair during their celebratory breakfast. Without hesitation, Ann sat on Robert's lap.

It's our 75th anniversary," said Robert. "I think it’s wonderful she put up with me."
I’m thinking of going back and doing it over again," Ann added while laughing.

After being married, the pair became parents to a boy and a girl. Years later, they adopted another son.

Family means everything to them," said the Gorman's daughter, Cheryl Nersesian. “I’m 72. Since I was born, being there every step of the way to watch their love, it's been amazing. To be my age, and have both my parents, it’s like unheard of."

Nersesian said her parents have a love that's unmatched.

She’s very feisty and loves to dance but she’s a little shy -- believe it or not as far as talking to people, -- but dad's like me, he can talk to anybody, he’s very outgoing," she said. “He’s a little calmer than her, she's more nervous, high strung. They balance each other."

Ann is the youngest of eleven siblings. All of them passed away, as have many of their friends.

In our marriage, the only thing that was sad was losing my parents and brothers and sisters," said Ann.

According to Nersesian, her mom almost died four years ago from blood clots. Years later, her dad had COVID-19, which was also scary. Both of them pulled through, but those times were also tough for the pair.

“They definitely lean on each other for strength," said Nersesian.

The Gormans told WJAR going to bed angry is something they don't believe in.

“We used to argue every morning and then we’d make up every night," said Ann.

“Now, after 75 years, what am I going to fight about it?" said Robert. "It don’t make any sense."

On display during their 75th celebration was the Bible Ann used when she walked down the aisle, as well as the cake topper from their wedding day and their wedding album.

With her, and the kids, I couldn’t ask for a better partner," said Robert. "No way in the world will I find a better girl than her."
I’m glad you finally found out," said Ann, laughing.
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