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MMA fighter vs. Gator: Mike Dragich subdues street-roaming gator barefoot

MMA fighter Mike Dragich wrangles an 8-foot alligator in Jacksonville, Florida. (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office)
MMA fighter Mike Dragich wrangles an 8-foot alligator in Jacksonville, Florida. (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office)
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An MMA fighter used his strength to subdue an alligator in Florida.

Jacksonville sheriff's officials posted video showing the gator in the roadway asMike Dragich approaches the wild animal.

Dragich is known in the MMA world as "Blue Collar Brawler" of Florida.

Outside the cage, Dragich is a licensed trapper, according to WPEC.

Dragich was reportedly at a hockey game when he received a call from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office requesting help with a gator.

In the video you see Dragich bare-footed, without any trapping equipment, wrangling the gator with his bare hands.

Spectators cheered for the fighter as he held the alligator in his arms in what appeared to be a victory walk.

Police stated, "Just to name a few, you have military uniforms, police uniform, medical scrubs, and sports uniforms and then you have a pair of denim shorts and a plaid shirt. When it comes to the alligator wrestling, we would much rather leave this one to the professionals."

Dragich reportedly returned to the hockey game after the impromptu road-side fight.

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