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Man who walked all night to job hopes to show others nothing is impossible

Walter Carr says he is still processing what has happened these past few days
Walter Carr says he is still processing what has happened these past few days
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Walter Carr would be the first to tell you he is a people person. Carr said his main goal has always been to inspire people.

Ever since he walked 20 miles from Homewood to Pelham in order to make it to work after his car broke down, Carr has taken the country by storm. Friday the 13th was supposed to be Carr's first day on the job with Bellhops, a moving company. After his car would not start, Carr decided to walk from Homewood to Jenny Lamey's house in Pelham.

Pelham Police officers came across Carr early that morning, took him to breakfast, then dropped him off at the Lamey's house before he was scheduled to arrive. Hearing Carr's story from police moved Lamey, who took to social media about what happened.

"If the police officer had not shared that story with me, he [Carr] would have never told me," Lamey said. "This story would have never been heard, shared and loved by all these people. He set out on a walk that night: 20 miles. Little did he know that he would travel in the homes and hearts of businesses and people all around the world."

Bellhops CEO Luke Marklin heard about Carr's story and gave him his personal car. Since then, Carr said his life has been a whirlwind.

"It feels like a dream, still," Carr said. "It is like I woke up, I am going to walk outside and see if I still have a car. Wow, I do have a car. It feels unbelievable having people tell me, text me, call me saying how inspiring I am to them."

Now, Carr says he wants to take his story and use it as a platform to inspire others and let people know that nothing is impossible, which would be a dream come true for him.

"A quote that I made in high school is, 'God blessed me to bless,'" Carr said. "You can sum that quote down to, God puts you in certain situations for a reason. It is not because he does not think you can pull through, but he knows you can pull through. He sees something in yourself that you might not see, but he pulls you through. If you do not feel like you can talk to your parents, Walter is here. I want to get out and help. If I have to travel the nation, I would love to. I just want to inspire and meet people and listen to their story, see how their journey was and see all the Walters out there. I know there are a lot more Walters out here, and I am coming for you all."

A page that Lamey started for Carr has reached almost $67,000. Carr plans to donate any money raised beyond the current total to the Birmingham Education Foundation, an organization close to his heart.

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