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Did you know peanuts are not nuts? All you need to know about National Peanut Month!

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National Peanut Month

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March is National Peanut Month, according to

Peanuts are part of the Leguminosae family which also consists of peas and beans.

They are not nuts because nuts grow on trees and peanuts grow underground.

The legumes have been eaten since 1400 BC, but it wasn't until recent that they were cultivated easier and consumed in a ton of ways.

Dr. George Washington Carver helped cultivate and consume them in a lot of ways.

He published "How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing It for Human Consumption" in 1916, and since Carver has been known as the Father of the Peanut.

The goober as they are called in the South is full of nutrients. They have eight grams of protein per ounce, and they are high in antioxidants, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E.

How to observe this nutty (or not so nutty) holiday month:

  • Eat peanuts
  • Add peanuts into different meals and recipes
  • Learn the history of peanuts
  • Use #NationalPeanutMonth on social media to share how you celebrated

National Peanut Month was originally only a week-long celebration in 1941, but as of 1974 it became a month-long observation, said the website.

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